Organic Beetroot Powder
This organic, air-dried beetroot powder will add flavour and health-boosting properties to every dish: soups, stews, salads, baked goods, green smoothies and juices.
Beetroot powder contains a high concentration of vitamins and nitrates (a group of organic compounds that improve blood circulation and support a healthy heart), and is ideal for pre-workout, helping to promote healthy blood circulation.
Beetroot contains magnesium, iron, liver-boosting and toxin-cleansing betaine, and is rich in anti-ageing and free-radical-fighting antioxidants that boost immunity and help protect against colds, flu and other infectious diseases.
Beetroot also contains immune-boosting vitamin C and high levels of digestive fibres.
Magnesium is important for normal nervous system function, normal muscle function, normal protein synthesis, and helps maintain normal bones and teeth.
Beetroot powder is a natural sweetener.
They are becoming increasingly popular in sweet dishes such as cakes, biscuits and cookies. Anything with chocolate goes well with beetroot. You can make a chocolate cake by adding 1-2 tsp of beetroot powder.
The daily intake for an adult is 4 teaspoons of powder.
NOTE. The information contained herein should not be construed as a recommendation for treatment or other health issues. We encourage you to make personal decisions about your personal health, taking into account a wide range of sources of information.